Friday, June 23, 2017

Updates, finally...

Wow, it'a been awhile since I posted an update.  I just have not wanted to report on my progress.  I have basically stayed at the same weight, but went up and down since.  I gain 7 pounds and then lose it. It's been frustrating and a bit discouraging, but my ass shrinking has plateaued for now folks.  I wished I would have made my two year goal, but I am happy at where I am for now with my size and my MoJo.  

I am in full menopause currently and have been experiencing the severe joint pain I was having after the full hysterectomy surgery I had last fall.  They call it "Menopausal Arthritis".  I hurt in all of my joints like friggin hell.  I am still on the high dose of Climara HRT Patch to relive all of the other hellish symptoms.

Other than joint pain, and the halt in my weight loss, I am doing pretty good. I am a goofy girl that plans fun things and goes and does them. I am an optimist. I stay focused on the good things that are working, even when I can barely walk up and down the stairs, joints, knees, elbows, wrists, neck, hips... aching pain.  It's so weird.  I'm young and feel like an old woman some days. Let's just say, you aren't going to see me run a triathlon right now.  

I do sit-ups and have one of those twist boards that is helping strengthen my core.  When I do seriously exercise, I take pain meds before so I can get some cardio in, but when they wear off - I suffer big time.  I just keep my carbs and calories very low these days to make up for not working out as much. It is tough.  I take it a day and a week at a time.  I am grateful for my life and the good health I do have.

The thing that I have learned about living with my sleeve is now after 2 years is, my digestive system has really changed.  I have a sensitive stomach that gets dumping syndrome from eating any kind of sugar. It's kind of a blessing, but sad. My body just can't handle it well.  It's a pleasure and pain thing, and not in a good way.  

I do get hungry (nothing even close to what I was like before surgery however) and eat small portions, but you can eat a lot if you give it time. That's where anyone WLS person can get into trouble and put the weight, back on.  It still all comes down to not using food to soothe yourself and finding other ways to find comfort.  

I'm really into vanilla & coconut oil bubble baths.  I am a walking, squeaky cleaned, extra soft, vanilla cookie in a skirt.  Comfort.  I was doing strict keto to the point where I was almost doing zero carbs for weeks, but that was not realistic.  "If it's not sustainable, it's not maintainable."  The key for me is everything in moderation.  I like to taste things, not really eat them.  This means I stop eating when I feel satisfied, not when I am full.  

The intermittent fasting protocols work for me too.  I keep testing how long I can go without breaking a fast.  I am still experimenting and exploring with eating and my relationship with food.  At the end of the day, I accept myself where I am today.  I am a work in progress. I am lovable just as I am, but I sure can't wait to get through this change of life thang.  

I believe that once my body is done with this menopause, getting my hormones and metabolism balanced again, I will feel much better.