Saturday, June 13, 2015

I called Uncle Ralph on the big porcelain telephone...

I started on pureed extra soft foods yesterday.  Did good with chicken soup.  I feel better after eating some meat protein blended in there.  I have tried several things.  I did make one huge mistake and found that out the hard way.  I tried some spaghetti sauce, holy acid puke storm Batman, I barfed and had heart burn for 2 hours.  I took an antacid pill which helped calm down the tiny tummy.  I  won't try that again for a few months.  At least I know what puking now feels like with this new size tummy.

It's kind of like driving a new car.  When the gas light goes ON, how far will that get you, REALLY?  I found out that I can eat about 4 Tablespoons worth of pureed meat with broth and I'm just right, anything more and I get too full.

I did find some other things that have really worked well and feel great. I busted out the slow cooker and added a lot of broth to these little make-ahead meals for work.  So far, I either blend them or eat them really slow in tiny bits and chew them very well.  I made a bunch of these tiny meals and popped them into the freezer, so I can just grab one to throw in my Fender lunch box on my way out the door in the mornings.

Here is a photo of some of what I am eating on the VSG Post-Op Surgery Diet.
The Perfect size lunch box for Triple T's daily meals for work.

So far, I'm saving money on food and feel better having these 4 oz. portion sizes made and ready for convenience and easy storage in the fridge.  These you see in the photos are more meat and broth than carbs, so I don't feel deprived of carbs.  The Yo-Yo dieting, repent, diet, starve, repeat cycle is how I got this big in the first place.  I finished an "AM I HUNGRY - MINDFUL EATING COURSE" and it has helped me tons in preparing my mind for the change and lifestyle I am currently undergoing. The Best books and courses EVER!

I am down 21 lbs. in 2 weeks.  I know that is mostly water weight since surgery.  This is a full lifestyle and body change. I expect it will take me at least 2 years to get to my goal weight of 145 lbs.  SO FAR SO GOOD, except for calling Uncle Ralph.

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