Friday, July 8, 2016

I lost 1 more inch and 2 lbs.!

I must say, the Ketonix meter has helped me a lot.  I have become kooky about making sure I am on track because I need to get the scale moving as much as the inches.  Yet at the same time, I don't want to freak myself out and feel deprived.

I was eating more carbs than I thought I was before.  I think this is why I have not really lost that many pounds in the last 4 months. Testing how far in ketosis I am is giving me reassurance that I am on track.   I am happy that I am not losing the weight too fast also.  I don't want the excess skin you see many WLS peeps have.  I do not have that.  Once I am at my goal, I will get my taters lifted and maybe a small tummy tuck, but we will see. 

It's a huge week for me. I found out the results of my ultrasound today, not great. They found a something unusual in my uterus and are taking a biopsy of it on Monday. I am nervous, but my intuition says I am okay. We will find out soon. Meanwhile, focus on what I do have control of and what I am grateful for.

The great news is that I finally got my baby back!  SHE'S HOME AND RUNNING BETTER THAN EVER!

Look at how faded she got sitting in the sun for 3 years!  
Now for the fun part, the glamorous restoration! 

For updates on the progress go to:

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